Ranunculus asiaticus 'White' (Persian Buttercup) is a compact, tuberous-rooted plant boasting large, rose-like, creamy-white flowers adorned with multiple layers of delicate, silky petals. Prolific, each plant produces masses of very long-lasting (up to 6 weeks!), double blossoms atop sturdy stems.
These exquisite, rose-like flowers of ranunculus are a staple in any flower shop or wedding bouquet. In regions with mild winters, buttercups can be planted in autumn for an early bloom in April. In colder regions, they can be planted in spring to ensure an early summer bloom.
Even better, the blooms are great for cut flowers, with a vase life of up to two weeks.
The blossoms display layer upon layer of silky petals in bright colors.
- Flowering period: May to July
- Average flower diameter: 4 cm
- Hardiness: not very hardy, keep the tubers in a cool and dry place over winter
- Exposure: part sun, half-shade
- Soil: light, rich, well-drained
- Acidity: neutral
- Use: bedding, porches and patios, window boxes, lawn borders, cut flowers