Ranunculus flowers look almost too perfect to be real! The blossoms display layer upon layer of silky petals in bright colors. These exquisite, rose-like flowers of ranunculus are a staple in any flower shop or wedding bouquet.
Full, extremely large flower heads sit atop long, strong stems, making this an excellent cut flower. Blooming 1 to 2 weeks after most varieties, these tall, vigorous plants have been specifically bred to be slightly more heat-tolerant than other ranunculi, extending the bloom window.
🇫🇷 The Pauline ranunuclus line is of French origin; bred through special research to have a large variety of bright colors and high productivity even in winter. Extremely versatile and a must-grow for wedding and event work.
Champagne is a highly sought-after variety of ranunculus with a wide range of flower colors, from salmon, apricot, and coral to the occasional pink.
- Plant height: 45 - 60 cm
- Bulb size: 3/5
- Flowering period: May to July
- Hardiness: not very hardy, keep the tubers in a cool and dry place over winter
- Exposure: part sun, half-shade
- Soil: light, rich, well-drained
- pH: neutral
- Use: bedding, porches and patios, window boxes, lawn borders, cut flowers